SunShine Race
Эта сказка открывает серию историй о Кобальте. Уникальную помощь в создании сюжета Ежегодной Гонки Саншайн оказал Alexander E. Gilburg, Esquire . В частности идея гонки на двигателях, работающих на преобразованых Звуковых Волнах принадлежит ему. Alexander E. Gilburg является соавтором, и внес неоценимый вклад в английский вариант (см. ниже). Этот проект находится в стадии разработки, коррективы вносятся в процессе написания.Гонка Саншайн
Окруженный скалистыми заснежеными вершинами, проросшими меж гор густыми вечнозелеными лесами, омываемый Великим Могучим Синим Океаном раскинулся в Долине Предков город Саншайн. Был он одним из множества маленьких, средних и больших Городов Страны Шумящих Абрикосов. Глубокие Прозрачные Озера притаились в лесных дубравах, волны Океана ласкали золотые песчаные пляжи, и людей со всех концов Страны влекло в Саншайн. Каждый уголок Города был особенным, веселые и приветливые жители были всегда рады гостям, и улицы всегда были заполнены играющими детьми. Но знаменит Город был конечно своим Грандиозным Цирком и Ежегодной Гонкой на главный приз Страны Шумящих Абрикосов.

Однако жизнь в Саншайн очень отличалась от сегодняшней, до появления в Городе Иззо Бреталла. Талантливый ученый и волшебник, Иззо объездил весь мир в поисках места, которое он мог бы назвать своим домом. Он мечтал построить, наконец лабораторию о которой мечтал всю жизнь, обзавестись уютным домиком, растить детей. Его красавица жена Алиса полюбила жителей Саншайн и старинные узкие кривые улочки с первого взгляда. После недолгого размышления Алиса и Иззо поселились в залитом солнцем Городе. Одного только они не знали: многие жители Долины
использовали окружающую среду для сиюминутного удовлетворения своих потребностей. Океан был покрыт пятнами мазута. Уникальные золотые пляжи Саншайн иногда приходилось закрывать для уборки выбросов и загрязнений.
Смог покрывал небо до горизонта, потому что Старый Автомобильный Завод коптил облака своими трубами. Многие жители Саншайн болели, птицы и звери покидали леса, рыбы уходили от берега, в поисках чистой воды...
Но Иззо был слишком занят в своей новой лаборатории, чтобы замечать, как гибнет природа Долины. Кроме того, Алиса вот-вот должна была родить ему наследника. Так бывает, когда люди счастливы, они не видят ничего вокруг себя. День, когда Иззо увидел своего сына впервые, стал последним днем жизни прекрасной Алисы. Она умерла в больнице от ужасной болезни, случившейся от отравленного воздуха и воды в Саншайн. Мальчика назвали Кобальт.

Гибель жены перевернула жизнь ученого. Он бродил по пыльному, закопченому Городу, смотрел на сгнившие и высохшие деревья в Вечнозеленом Лесу, провел долгие дни в Детской Больнице. Он произвел тысячи разных опытов и изучил пробы земли, воздуха и воды. Три месяца спустя Иззо купил Старый Завод в центре Саншайн. Два года заняло у него перестроить и переделать фабрику. Новый Завод выпускал волшебные Дримстиклы, Гиглэйр Тринклеты, Вечносветящиеся Флаирлус, и множество удивительных вещей, завоевавших любовь людей всего мира. Тем не менее самым уникальным произведением Иззо Бреталла был Музыкально-Силовой Двигатель. Иззо придумал, как превратить звуковые волны идущие от музыкальных инструментов в мощную силу движущую моторы новейшего поколения. Он оснащал этими двигателями автомобили, поезда и корабли, но в один из солнечных дней со старой фабричной площади, устланой красным кирпичом вознеслась в небо серебряная переливающаяся титановая птица. Год спустя стартовала Ежегодная Гонка Саншайн.
Лимонный свет восходящего солнца гладил бока огромных серых цепеллинов. Пять неповоротливых на вид воздушных китов висели на разной высоте отмечая коралловые рифы и коварные воздушные ямы. Зрители располагались амфитеатром в теле дирижабля, инженер располагался в нижней части рубки. Он искусно использовал восходящие и нисходящие потоки воздуха для маневра, располагая корабль самой выгодной для зрителей позицией. На трибунах царила традиционная в это время суета, воспоминания о прошлогодней гонке перемежались выкриками вездесущих продавцов мороженого и дримстикл. Катера подвозили опоздавших к старту, их поднимали корзинами на палубу. До начала соревнований оставалось менее десяти минут. Зрители вооруженные биноклями, подзорными трубами и разнообразной цифровой оптикой обменивались мнениями о ходовых качествах ракет, сплетнями о ди джей пилотах, и заключали пари. Неправдой было бы сказать что весь город был здесь. Ежегодная гонка собирала любителей и болельщиков со всей страны и даже с других континентов.
Кобальт был полностью сосредоточен и спокоен. Он собирался сыграть свой лучший опус. Сидя с закрытыми глазами в кабине он мысленно переплетал извилистые повороты трека с музыкальным ключом произведения. В его голове звучала музыка вперемежку со свистом ветра и ревом выхлопных динамиков. Сегодня, сегодня, сегодня, стучал ритм в висках. Он открыл глаза и увидел желтую ракету высоко в небе. Значит старт через три минуты.This tale starts series of novels about Kobalt. Development and writing of this story became possible with help of Alexander E. Gilburg, Esquire. He came up with an idea of Music Power Engine, his creative input is reflected in English version of the tale. Alexander E. Gilburg is a co-athor of this novel. This is a developing project, and corrections will be made in a process.
Sunshine Race
Once upon a time there was a town called Sunshine. It was one of many small, medium and large towns in the country. Sunshine sprouted from every possible nook and cranny in a beautiful valley between the tall, snow-covered Eaglenest Mountains and the golden, sandy beaches of the vast blue Tidesurge Ocean. It was surrounded by thick green forests and deep clear lakes. People from all over the country and all corners of the word flocked to visit Sunshine because there were so many things to see and do there. Sunshine was a very happy town where folks were friendly, warm and had a great sense of humor, and their children were great friends and played with each other every day. They especially enjoyed visiting the world-famous Amazing Sunshine Circus and the Annual Sunshine Challenge.
However life in Sunshine used to be very different before Izzo Bretal moved into the town. Talented scientist and inventor, Izzo traveled around the world looking for the small town where he could settle down, build his dream laboratory, and raise his children. His beautiful wife Alice loved the people and old streets of Sunshine from the first sight, so they moved in. What Izzo and his lovely wife did not know was that for a very long time, people of Sunshine abused the environment to satisfy their needs. There were oil spills in the ocean, and sometimes the gorgeous golden beach was closed for pollution clean-up. Old car factory filled air with smog and dust causing nasty cough. Animals and birds fled the forests; fish went away, looking for cleaner water. Izzo did not have time to pay attention to the ever worsening quality of nature. He spent all his time working in his newly built lab, and his young wife was about to give birth to a handsome baby boy. On the day Izzo saw his son Cobalt for the very first time, Alice died in the hospital. Turned out she had a terrible disease triggered by polluted environment.
That horrible event became the life changing experience for the famous inventor. He went around dusty, grimy downtown, looked at dry rotted trees in the National Forest, spent weeks in the children’s hospital, and obtained thousands of tests and probes. Three month later Izzo bought the old factory in the middle of the town, he completely rebuilt it from the ground up, and two years later the factory started production of his latest and greatest inventions. There were many wonderful things like Dreamstickles, Giglair Trinklets, Everlightning Flairluz, and other amazing things people all around the world fall in love with. Nevertheless his most remarkable creation was the Music Power Engine. Izzo learned how to transform the sound waves created by playing musical instruments into powerful kinetic energy. He tried to fit his engine into all kinds of vehicles, until one day silver Plexiglas bird swirled up in the sky from old factory brick plaza. One year after that Annual Sunshine Challenge was launched.
Cobalt loved his father. They lived together in a big house. Whole second floor and attic took the laboratory, where Izzo spent most of his day, Cobalt loved watching his father work, observing the tests, trial models and mock-ups. Sometimes dad would let him help with his work, and those were the happiest minutes for little Cobalt. Neighbors were very nice to Izzo and Cobalt; they became good friends with everyone on White Oak lane. After school Cobalt usually went home where his neighbor Kate prepared amazingly tasty sandwiches, and later she helped him with homework.



Franz did not stand out in the crowd (good luck imagining the crowd of cats). You would never suspected that this larger than average size cat possesses any other skills besides sleeping on the couch or eating excessive amounts of pet treats. Then he would come closer, and gazed at you with his emerald green eyes. Franz read mind and he could hypnotize anybody in a moment’s time. His expertise came very handy at the Show and in the clinic. When difficult procedure was performed he calmed down the anxious patients and made the experience easy and pleasant using his gift. Besides that Franz had an amazing sense of humor. Once a week he hosted the Comedy Cat Club on channel 7.
She was probably the strongest bird on earth. Free Bird was her name, and she was truly the quintessence of freedom. Some thought she was a crow, some thought she was a parrot, however Free Bird was not clear about her background herself, and she was not really concerned. She looked kind of small, with her feathers always sticking out of order like a crazy haircut. Her part in the circus show always wowed the audience, since no one would expect such a small creature to snatch and fly around the scene with medium size Camel clutched with tiny claws. And every Sunday she took kids in a large basket for a ride above the Town Square.
The evening was warm and loud. Hundreds of people, mostly visitors, were walking the streets enjoying in the exciting sights and sounds. Nobody seemed to notice Cobalt as he made his way to see his friends after the last show at the Circus. Talking to them always cleared his head and filled him with confidence. They were eternally positive and cheerful, and they had a special wisdom that empowered him to exceed his own expectations.
As was his custom, Cobalt entered the Circus through the back door. The show had been over for some time and the aisles were empty. As Cobalt made his way backstage, he heard voices, which he instantly recognized as his friends’. They were talking about tomorrow’s race.
Cobalt froze. His curiosity demanded that he listen for more, so he slowly crept toward the dressing room spilling light and voices through an open door.
Green Dog poured tea to the cup Franz passed to him and continued. -- I am glad that whole town is going to be present at the race, we will not have any problem taking our Elephants to the riverbank for a short swim. – I shall not miss this for the world – nodded Cat. – And I call the ride on Trumpet to the beach, he told me he would not mind!
“Hey Cobalt, are you nervous?” asked the Cat.
“No” answered Cobalt in a wavering voice
“Are you scared?” pestered the sly feline trickster.
“Are you ???????
“No” croaked Cobalt.
“Are you lying” asked the Green Dog”
“Yes” exhaled Cobalt breaking into a wide, relieved smile.
“You look a little pale” the Green Dog chimed in from behind his dark glasses and between sips of his “Sunshine Strawberry Ice Cream Shake”.
“And really, really stressed” added the Cat.
“I couldn’t fall asleep last night, so I am a little tuckered out.” Cobalt said without any conviction in his voice.
“You are the soundest sleeper I know, so what gives?” asked the Cat.
“OK. I admit I am very stressed out about the Race. That’s all I can think of.”
“Why?” asked the Green Dog, suddenly an attentive spark flickering through his famously impenetrable shades.
“You know how important this race is to me…”
“Why?” persevered
Hey guys, aren’t you going to the race to see my triumph? This time I am going to take my vengeance.
We do not need to attend the race to see your success. If you are the true champion I will know it at once.
What do you mean? You will watch the race on TV?
No, Cobalt. The greatest and most difficult battles are played inside your heart, and the brave heart sounds differently.
I do not know what can beat winning in the race, and besides I can finally take my revenge upon Trozil. If I win it will be the greatest day in my life. Don’t you ever want to be famous and loved? You could beat everyone; your ship is ugly but amazingly fast!
My dear Cobalt, one day you will achieve the real victory, and it will not be in the race. All the fame and prizes in the world will not fill the empty heart. You will hear the music that comes from inside, and you will become happiest person in the world. Your ship will run fast as you can imagine, the music from your heart will lead you.
I do not know what you are talking about, it sounds too good to be true. Meanwhile I have a race to win.
Good luck, Cobalt, we love you.
The morning air was cool and transparent. Palpable anticipation infiltrated the race participants and spectators alike as the moment everyone waited and prepared for approached. Eyes sharpened, hopes quivered and nerves were taught while the DJ pilots warmed up their engines for the high stakes race.
The sleek, powerful ships hovered in line waiting for the green starting rocket, their metallic skins gleaming in the rising sun. They lurched, growled and surrounded themselves with the shimmering waves of blared electronic music exhaust. Only Cobalt’s ship, almost invisible in the blue sky, hovered in almost complete silence surrounded by the soft, meditative sounds of Ludwig van Beethoven’s Moonlight sonata.
Cobalt’s unique ship was the center of everyone’s attention as soon as it was unveiled the day before the race. When the tarp cover came down, the crowd gasped - no one has ever seen anything like it before. The camera flashes revealed a glossy cobalt blue smoothly curved but strangely familiar sleek shape and the brilliant white and anthracite keyboard dominating the cockpit. Some people said it resembled the old and long-forgotten grand pianos now found only museums. They could not wait to see how fast Cobalt’s ship would go and hear how it would sound during the race.
The green rocket pierced the sky and only shimmering air and heavy echoes of the music exhaust lingered marking the starting line. In only a few seconds the ships were distant dots in the morning sky.
Everybody agreed that the music Cobalt played sounded incredible.
Cobalt was one of the favorites to win the race. All those long days spent learning the curves of the route, sleepless nights he mentally raced through the sharp cliffs, deep sea caves, fireballs of the geyser valley. Cobalt was ready. He was more experienced on this route than anyone taking part in the race, and how lucky for him that race came to Town this year. No child older than ten years old could be admitted. This was his last chance to get famous. All those lonely days and weekends, would be a thing of a past, all TV channels will show his happy smiling face. Cereal boxes, toys, chewing gum with his name, what else could make one happier than everyone’s love.
Last year’s race was a disaster. Cobalt spent over a month preparing, learning the curves of the strange terrain. Since the race always took part in different parts of the country, everyone would have an equal chance to win. Some very dedicated racers studied the track beforehand at any cost, even staying in the race town for an extended period of time. Cobalt lived in an old motel surrounded by crazy races from all over the country, he barely slept and was probably one of the best candidates to win. But he was not the only one. His archrival, Trozil, lived in the town and knew every turn as a back as his hand. Cobalt kept head to head with Trozil and when he made the final move to sweep the victory, Trozil suddenly bumped him off the track into the deep underwater cave. It took Cobalt over two hours to get out of the glusting mud, and his ship sustained major damage. The race was long over and Cobalt has nothing else to do but go home escorted by happy face of his competitor looking at him from every electronic billboard.
The air was cool and still, and multicaliber ships were standing still. All the commotion around the race concentrated in this moment, all hopes and wishes sharpened. The competitive spirit blew through everyone’s mind , clearing the brain from everyday routines. The stakes were high, nerves were tight.
There were all kinds of ships, large and small, some looked ugly like old greyhound bus, some were thin and elegant one pilot bolides, gleaming on the morning sun. Pilots made last adjustments to the computer outputs, short giggles were splashing here and there.
His elegant rocket was a center of everyone attention. He was a favorite of the race. All those long days spent learning the curves of the route, sleepless nights he mentally raced through the sharp cliffs, deep sea caves, fireballs of the geyser valley. Cobalt was ready. He was more experienced on this route than anyone taking part in the race, and how lucky for him that race came to Town this year. No child older than ten years old could be admitted. This was his last chance to get famous. All those lonely days and weekends, would be a thing of a past, all TV channels will show his happy smiling face. Cereal boxes, toys, chewing gum with his name, what else could make one happier than everyone’s love.
Usual hustle and bustle jumbled on the benches. Greetings of old pals, arguing about race favorites and engine hum were spiced up by loud screaming voices of ice cream, popcorn and dreamsticle vendors. Water speed boats arrived every minute bringing those who did not make boarding on the mainland. Lightweight baskets softly squeaked taking passengers up to the bleachers. Air was filled with sweet mellow smell of popcorn and sugar cones. Less than ten minutes left before the start. Aficionados armed with binoculars, spyglasses, and latest digital optic exchanged opinions about latest music power options, rumors of DJ pilots, and of course made bets. To say that whole town was here would be untrue. Annual race brought in spectators and fans from all over the country and other continents.
Cobalt felt completely focused and together as never before. He was about to play his best opus. With his eyes closed he gently touched keys with finger pads and mentally intertwined complex race curvature with rhythmic melody lines. Bellowing booming of sound exhaust speakers, penetrating shrieking of the wind and his composition main melody agitated his mind. The pulsating rhythm filled his heart. Today…Today…Today. He opened his eyes and got a glimpse of yellow rocket sharply penetrating silver morning sky. Three minutes to start.
Brightly colored ships were splashing in the sky catching sunrays on super polished bodies. Cobalt took a long look at the direction of the finish line, and turned back to his passenger. Trozil’s leg was in pretty bad shape, and now, when he was aboard and affixed to the copilot’s chair, they should hurry to doctor. Remains of once aggressive Trozil’s navigator were lying awkwardly; clouds of smoke covered the thrashed pilot’s cabin. Cobalt slowly raised his ship above the swamp. Beautiful melody streamed from under his fingers, his blue ship trembled moving from cold air stream into worm division. Town Hall and Circus were already observable in his visor.
-Cobalt, - Trozil opened his eyes and called again-Cobalt!
-What?-Cobalt looked at him through the rearview mirror,-you are uncomfortable?
-no, I am fine, but I want to ask you, why did you stop to help me instead of winning the race?
-Well, - Cobalt smiled to him, - what is the point of the race? - He answered with question.
-To know that you are the best out there!
-No, Trozil, only thing you prove is that you are faster than the other guy.
-What do you mean, - Trozil raised his eyebrows, -the race is meaningless?
- There are, and there will be many races in our lives. We need to apply ourselves to win the ones that matter. Winning is important, but what counts in the end is a character and ways we walk in life. Character building is a lifelong race.